Tuesday, March 12, 2013

awkward and awesome

brothers using your toothbrush// ending up writing this on Wednesday rather than on the weekend, which is what I was going to do...// getting sick// not being able to think of enough stuff to write here...

Studying for a quiz meet// pancakes for dinner :)// cute siblings// planning a rabbit business// French braids// reading The Hobbit// learning sign language// drawing rabbits and bunnies// watching animal planet// going home tomorrow! :D

Saturday, March 2, 2013

awkward and awesome


Playing a game of roll-the-water-bottle-to-the-other-person and accidentally chucking the water bottle half way across the street// mouthing the words to a song you're listening to and someone taking a picture of you// Knowing what you want to say and then forgetting right when you try to say it// saying (out loud), "oh no, where did I put my sunglasses?!" and having someone answer, "um... They're on your head."


Seeing two MORE alligators while driving!! (kinda freaky though to think you could be walking on a sidewalk beside water full of alligators!)// blogging :)// memorizing 10 verses of Matthew a day (or at least trying to) :P// going on a safari at Animal Kingdom at Disney World and seeing so many different animals! (pictures coming as soon as I find the cord for the camera...)// another camera lens that zooms in way more (and isn't broken) ;)// having someone draw a cartoon picture of you